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Parser WordDocument [*.docx] MSWordHD

In 9 Reviews
By , 6 years ago
Version 003
Size 9199 KBytes
Category: External Object
External JAR library that allows parsing and populating tables in docx documents (MS Word).

The ZIP file contains the "Template.docx" that explains some Settings of the KB / model.

Each procedure is well explained.

XPZ including a jar library [MSWordHerme.jar] allows to parse documents *.docx. It relies on the Apache POI libraries.

Scope: It is for the Java generator. We are working to get the same for C # generator.

Release Notes

It was prepared to work in GeneXus 15 with Java 8u171 and 8u172.

In the GeneXus procedures, try-catch was added to validate that the file path is correct.

The Apache POI libraries were updated.
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